The core specialization of Spain Legal's lawyers is legal support to entrepreneurs in Spain. We provide comprehensive legal services for business whether you need to start a company or expedite registration of investor “Golden Visa”. Advisory support for businessmen including those working as individuals, preparation and examination of documents, project profitability analysis, company purchase and sale support, registration, restructuring and winding-up of companies, tax adjustment, effective accounting – just to name a few of the services we render. Over the years of practice, we have developed best solutions for fruitful interaction with Spanish government agencies; this approach allows us to shorten the time of many procedures and provide timely assistance in the most difficult business situation.
Entering a foreign market is a promising but not always easy action. The ignorance of the legislative and legal niceties of organizing own business in Spain often turns into numerous problems. Nevertheless, upon entrusting all the bureaucratic and organizational affairs to our lawyers, you will be able to focus on your main task – business development. We also are ready to represent your interests as an authorized agent/representative even without your presence. Our experience – over 10 years of working with clients from all over the world who successfully increase their capital in the Kingdom – is the best guarantee.
Our offers in the business area
Starting your business
Organization and registration of your company in the Kingdom
Legal support for companies
Comprehensive support for your company by legal experts
Trademark registration
Own distinctive brand
Registration of individual entrepreneur
Autónomo or self-employed (cuenta propia) statuses
Business purchase and sale
Traspaso, or the benefits of a turnkey business in Spain
Bankruptcy procedure
Winding-up of legal entities